In-Person Coaching

  • Available in Perth, Dundee and the surrounding areas
  • Techniques are practised together in longer sessions
  • Might suit large families that want to be united in the sessions
  • Assessment done in-person, by me
  • Longer assessment sessions as the dogs behaviour is dependant on the environment, and their mood, on the day
  • Perfect for people that need support while working with their dog
  • In your own home/area

Online Coaching

  • Perfect wherever you are in the UK, or even the world!
  • Sessions are recorded so you don't have to remember every detail
  • Shorter, more frequent sessions, to monitor progress
  • Uses videos to assess and monitor progress
  • Videos can be rewound, replayed, and paused for maximum benefit
  • No waiting for appropriate situations to come along ie waiting for other dogs to distract/trigger your dog
  • Not dependant on weather, daylight, or your dogs mood that day!
  • Great for anxious dogs as no strangers coming into your home, some humans prefer this too!
  • Ideal for separation anxiety which is mostly monitored via video camera anyway
  • Great if you aren't always in the same place, as long as you have internet we can keep the momentum going

Four reasons you shouldn’t yell at your dog!

For years we’ve been taught to yell at our dogs when they do something wrong. Not only is it likely to be ineffective, but it could actually make some problems much worse. Here are four reasons why you shouldn’t yell…

5 Things Every Dog Should Know… in my opinion!

The pressure is on when you get a new dog to teach them as many tricks as possible. There is nothing wrong with that, but often more important things get missed out. Here are 5 things every dog should know,…

The effects of “runners high” in dogs

If your dog is constantly being told off by other dogs just for saying hello. Or, he seems immune to normal social cues, he might be experiencing runners high. In my latest blog, we discover the effects of runners high…

What age should you start training your new puppy?

If you have recently picked up your pup you will be curious to know what age should you start training your new puppy? The truth is that they have already started learning new habits and behaviours and are keen to…

Eight benefits of dog play – not just for fun!

Playtime is not just a fun activity for our dogs! There are tons of ways play time benefits our dogs mental health, physical well being, and the bond we share. Here are eight benefits of dog play you might not…

5 Ways to improve your dogs resilience

Low resilience puts a dog at risk of developing behaviour problems because they aren’t able to bounce back from experiences. Here are 5 ways to improve a dogs mental health for greater resilience.

Less is more when you have a hyperactive dog!

When you have a hyperactive dog, it’s easy to find yourself rushing around as you attempt to keep them entertained, happy, and calm. But sometime, doing less is more effective than doing more. Here are three ways you can do…

Motivating Dog Behaviour

Small black and white poodle type dog wearing sunglasses , laying in a green striped hammock.

People often tell me their dogs aren’t motivated by anything, and often that is true. Thankfully, there are things we can do to improve our dogs motivation. When we do, we can see their acceptance of rewards, and their behaviour,…